What is the colon?
The colon or large intestine, is the end portion of the human digestive tract. It is approx 5 to 6 feet long and 2 inches in diameter. It’s major functions are to eliminate waste and conserve water. Also, there are bacteria living in the colon which synthesize valuable nutrients such as vitamins “K” and portions of the “B” complex.
What is the purpose of having colon hydrotherapy (colonic)?
Well, waste materal, especially that which has remained in the colon for some time (i.e. impacted feces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites, worms etc.) pose several problems. First, this material is quite toxic (poisonous). These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the bloodstream making us feel ill, tired or weak. Second, impacted materials impair the colon’s ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria produced vitamins. And finally, a build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action causing slugglish bowel movements, constipation and the result of these disorders can lead to colon cancer.
Does a colonic hurt?
No. Most clients report their colon hydrotherapy session as being both refreshing and relieving.
Is a colonic safe?
Yes. A “colonic” is much safer and easier than the common enema.
How does a colonic differ from an enema?
An enema only reaches the rectum (eight inches to twelve inches long) and lower part of the colon, whereas with colon hydrotherapy the entire length of the colon (five to six feet long) is reached and it is many more times effective. According to learned centenarian Dr. Norman Walker, “One colon irrigation is equivalent to 30 enemas.”
If colonics are so good, why haven’t I heard of them before?
In a way, the answer to that is a commentary on our present day lifestyle. Historically, records of the use of enemas date back to about 1500 BC in Egypt. In the 1800s and early 1900s in North America, enemas were in common use as a means of maintaining health. Around the turn of the 20th century, colon irrigation machines were developed to provide a significantly improved method of accomplishing colon cleansing. Up to the late 1920’s, many medical doctors had colonic machines in their offices and machines were found in hospitals as well. Articles dealing with colon health frequently appeared in prestigious medical and scientific journals until the early 1930’s. However, at that time the widespread introduction of chemical laxatives and drugs began. This resulted in purification and prevention techniques becoming less attractive. Recently however there has been a resurgence of interest in using natural approaches for healing the body, and colonics have been regaining the respectability they have already earned.
What effect does a colonic have on our immune system?
The removal of stagnant waste material and hardened, impacted toxic residue could rejuvenate the immune tissue that resides in the intestines. Recent European studies speculate that 80% of immune tissue resides in the intestines. This is much higher than previously thought and makes it logical to believe that this type of therapy could influence such immune deficiency diseases. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure-all, but an important adjunctive therapy in your overall health care.
Who cannot have a colonic?
Anyone who does not pass the contraindications (requirements).
If you had the following conditions within the last 6 months: congestive heart failure, intestinal perforation, carcinoma of the rectum, fissures or fistula, severe hemorrhoids, renal insufficiency, colon or rectal surgery, abdominal hernia, first and last trimester of pregnancy, Cirrhosis, Diverticulitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Chrohn’s Disease, or rectal or intestinal tumors you would not be a candidate for Colon Hydrotherapy.
Do I need to see my medical doctor before having Colon Hydrotherapy?
If you have a serious concern about your health, or are unsure of the appropriateness of Colon Hydrotherapy for you, it is recommended that you consult your doctor or a healthcare professional. Professionally administered Colon Hydrotherapy is safe, and if you are free of the above-noted conditions, a medical examination prior to the procedure is not necessary.
Is there any possibility of bacterial or viral contamination from prior use of the equipment?
No. The use of sterile disposables and sealed single-use only nozzles, coupled with the implementation of the multi-stage sanitation protocol leaves no danger of contamination. Also, the system has a smooth non-pourous fiberglass surface where bacteria cannot penetrate and harbour.
Does having a menstrual period at the time of a colonic session have any effect on the experience?
No. Some consider it a good time to have a colonic session since your body is already cleansing. Your flow will not interfere with the success of the session.
Can I work directly after having a colonic session?
Yes. You can go back to work just as you would after a regular bowel movement. You would actually feel like a load has been lifted from you. And it literally has!!
How long does a session take?
Actual session time is about 45 minutes, but you should plan on about 75 minutes for your first consultation with session.
Why is a colonic better than taking laxatives?
First of all, laxatives are irritants to the body. The body identifies it and quickly tries to evacuate it out of the body producing a thin watery stool which leaves behind impacted feces and waste on the walls of the colon. Sounds stressful doesn’t it! Well it is and the body tells you this with effects like cramping and diarrhea. A colonic is a gentle way to evacuate the old putrefied debris, gas and mucous. By using warm, purified water to flush the colon clean you will provide hydration; unlike with laxatives which actually dehydrate and weaken you.
Can you become dependent on colonics? Could the colon stop functioning on its own?
Colon hydrotherapy retrains the muscle of the bowel to regain strength. The bowel muscle is forced to work against the water, providing resistance much like a weight provides resistance against a muscle in bodybuilding. After the bowel has regained strength, it works better on its own. Colonics are like “colon aerobics”.
Does Colon Hydrotherapy wash out the beneficial bacteria in the colon?
A proper balance of beneficial or friendly bacteria is necessary for optimal health and digestive functioning. Normal bowel flora consists of 85% friendly bacteria and 15% unfriendly bacteria, however, due to the effects of our poor diet, prescription drugs, stress and other lifestyle factors it is not uncommon for those numbers to be reversed. As well, it is estimated that up to 80% of our immune tissue resides in our intestinal tract. Â When cleansing the colon of the unfriendly bacteria you allow the friendly bacteria to thrive thereby improving your overall intestinal, digestive and immune health. It is recommended that you supplement with probiotics (beneficial bacteria) following your Colon Hydrotherapy session(s) to re-establish the flora in your intestinal tract.
What if I need to urinate during my colonic?
No problem with our open system. You urinate as you would on a toilet. With our system, the basin drain below your bottom recieves urine, feces, mucous etc. without your having to move.
After my colonic?
Most people feel a significant change. Many feel an immediate relief and experience a feeling of alertness, a feeling of being lighter, increased senses (sight, taste, smell and feeling), better mobility, relief of emotional dysfunction, regular bowel movements and improvement of the digestive system.
What do I eat before and after a cleanse?
Refrain from eating 2 hours before your colonic. After your colonic, we provide you with a complimentary electrolyte drink. You should refrain from consuming alcohol or red meat for 6 hours after your colonic to avoid gas. Practicing healthier eating habits such as increasing your intake of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables before and after a cleanse helps a lot. One should reduce the intake of red meat and instead substitute fish, tofu or chicken. Avoid “white” refined foods (such as pasta, pizza, etc.) and dairy as they can slow digestion and form mucous. Aim for 35 to 40 grams of fibre per day. Try whole grains, spelt, quinoa, oats and brown rice. Also, learning about proper food combining can eliminate gas and bloating tremendously. Don’t be overwhelmed by this information! If you simply had colonics, and didn’t change your diet, you would still reap the tremendous health benefits of hydration and detoxification.
Disclaimer: The services and information provided are at all times restricted to consultation on the subject of health matters intended for general well-being and are not meant for the purpose of medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing of medicine for any disease of any licences or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine.